Mrs S from York shares why she started playing the Demelza Lottery, and why it’s important to her to support Demelza.

“I support a few charities – ones that I feel are really important – and Demelza is definitely one of those. But when I started playing the Demelza Superdraw for £2 a month, I never expected that I would win £24,000!

We actually signed up to play the Demelza Lottery while in hospital for my youngest, who had a broken foot! Demelza had a stand in the hospital near the canteen, and after chatting to the team it just seemed the right thing to get involved. I really wanted to support them, and making a regular donation seemed like such an easy way to do it – and it has been. You almost forget about it because it’s such a small amount, but you’re still helping someone every month.

It was later, when we were back in the hospital while my mum received treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma, that I signed up for the Superdraw; again, it seemed a very small amount of money, just an extra £1 a week.

During that stay my mum developed pneumonia, and sadly she passed away shortly after. It was many years ago now, but it’s funny how playing (and now winning!) the Demelza Superdraw has brought back some really lovely memories of time spent with my mum. When my children were little we used to meet with her for lunch, and she would buy each of them a scratch card. They probably never won anything, maybe £10 here or there, but it was a tradition –  it wasn’t about winning, it was about the gesture. The Demelza Lottery has helped me feel close to my mum again which is lovely.

I was completely flabbergasted when I found out I’d won – in fact it was a good thing I was sitting down when Sue from Demelza rang! I don’t think I really believed it until it was deposited in my bank account and I actually spoke to the bank on the phone. My youngest daughter was home when I finally got confirmation the money was in my account and we ended up jumping around the room with excitement!

I don’t know yet how I’ll spend the money; it feels so special to have won it from Demelza, who do such important work, that I don’t want to rush into anything. I’m holding onto it until something really special comes along, something worthy.

Demelza is one of the loveliest charities we support, I’d really recommend everyone sign up if they have even £1 a week going spare – I know it makes such a huge difference to Demelza having that guaranteed income and you’ll never notice the money you’re spending on it.”

Mrs S, Demelza Superdraw winner from York

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